Monday, April 10, 2017

The Full Monty — April 10, 2017

Take the Oath. No, please — take it. Video is huge and it's all over the place; what ails the ad industry; the ethics around corporate social responsibility; Twitter Lite addresses a concern; stories are everywhere; why Google is so lit; disruption follows a predictable pattern; what dogs and manufacturing have in common; Uber continues its ethical death spiral; why Detroit leads Silicon Valley in one area; the ideal length of a podcast is...; the web's UX needs help; marketing reporting 101; forced friendliness may be our downfall; and more in the oath-laden ethical edition of The Full Monty. We're sure you subscribe to The Full Monty podcast, and don't forget check out where Brain+Trust  is speaking (final section below).

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Programming note: we'll be off next week.


  • This Week in Video: there's no question that TV/video/moving pictures, whether they're on a mobile device or a device attached to your wall, are still a hot medium. And the sands are shifting under our feet, including the (perhaps) surprising news that live TV is still a thing:

  • This Week in Fake News:
    • Fake news publishers are still earning money from major ad networks, despite the crackdown on fake news. In this long but essential read, one publisher notes that the only thing that matters is eyeballs, not the quality or veracity of the content. Bottom line: if you are responsible for media buying in your organization, you or your team might want to make note of some of these ad networks and decide how you'll handle the ethics of doing business with them.
    • Google is including fact checks with all of its searches globally. Google hopes special callouts for fact-checking articles will help searchers get the right answers or better make their own decisions. That is, if ultra-partisan netizens from the left and right can get it through their skulls that Snopes and are fact-based organizations (i.e., neutral)
  • From Digiday's "Confessions" series, an advertising veteran notes that lack of intellectual curiosity and rigor around shiny object syndrome is ruining the ad industry. Thanks for that, chief.


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    • Snapchat is changing how users find stories, making the search feature function across stories as well as across accounts. Finally — a feature of Facebook that Snapchat copies.
    • How do users like Snapchat ads? Fifty-one percent of Americans who use Snapchat don't engage with branded filters or lenses, JPMorgan Chase reports, and 73% don't swipe on ads. Additionally, 68% never watch video ads. Roughly 28% of teen and millennial users said they “hated” the ads seen on Snapchat, while 20% said the same about Instagram ads.
    • When it comes to influencers, Snapchat and Instagram are not the same; Instagram seems to be the preferred platform.


    • Google commissioned a survey to study what teens think is cool, and surprise! They like Google. According to Google.
      • The study: It's Lit: a Guide to What Teens Think is Cool.
      • Males are much more into video games than females; they're also more likely to be influenced by fads and friends while females are influenced by how something makes them feel.
      • Of the brands they're most aware of, the most cool are: YouTube, Netflix and Google; and least cool are: Yahoo, Sprint and McDonalds.
    • YouTube is requiring channels to have at least 10,000 views before they're allowed to run ads. This is in an effort to crack down on unlicensed re-uploads of popular videos, a process commonly referred to as "freebooting."



    Collaborative / Autonomous / AI

    • Regardless of the industry, disruption follows the same five stages: the Kodak moment, Internet infrastructure, disruptive business models, IoT and artificial intelligence, and the adoption curve.
    • On demand manufacturing is a way to utilize machine downtime and reduce expensive equipment purchasing and leasing. Uber for manufacturing.
    • Dog sharing is another hot new thing in the collaborative economy. Uberman pinscher?





    Virtual Reality / Audio



    Content / Customer Experience / Influencer Marketing

    Privacy / Security / Legal

    Measurement / Analytics / Data

    Essential Watching / Listening / Reading

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    Top photo credit: The Oath of the Horatii, by Jacques-Louis David (Wikipedia)



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