Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Full Monty — February 21, 2017

Mark Zuckerberg wants to save the world; Uber wants to save itself; CMO tenure is down; marketing budget plans for digital channels; Facebook and Oculus are trying to figure out what they are; Snap continues to prepare for its IPO; no more free WSJ articles via Google search; how companies are preparing for innovation strategies; thoughtful ideas about AI in our society; the signs and symptoms of email fatigue; Cisco's 2017 cybersecurity report; enterprise influencer marketing success; building a connected workforce; and more in this week's edition of The Full Monty. And don't forget to check out The Full Monty podcast.

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If you’re on Flipboard, you can get these links — and those that didn't make the cut for publication — by subscribing to The Full Monty Magazine at smonty.co/fullmontymag.


  • If journalism was in a crisis with the rise of digital publishing, it's got another challenge on its hands in the post-truth era. Between the generation gap in news consumption, the proliferation of news outlets, and the growing distrust in any establishment media organization, journalism is in a fight for its life.
    • When a politician in Colorado declared a local paper was "fake news," the news outlet threatened to sue over defamation. When an entity deals in information and a public figure calls into question its very credibility simply because they don't like what's being said — not because of a dispute over facts — that's an erosion of the free press.
    • The new crisis that companies are preparing for: tweets targeted against them by Donald Trump. Some companies have drafted plans for war rooms to address potential criticism, while others are focusing on promoting job creation and U.S. investments. What a strange era we live in, when companies have to fear the President of the United States.
    • Meanwhile, John Oliver is trying a very different kind of targeting. Because he knows which shows the president watches (which does not include his own show), Oliver is buying advertising on the morning shows in the Washington area. Great lessons for brands here on knowing your audience and targeting appropriately, rather than waiting for them to come to your site.


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  • Twitter plans to pare down three ad products, including legacy TellApart business, the firm's direct response business, and aspects of Promoted Tweets. Great! Now how about paring down the time your half-time CEO spends on his second job before there's no more Twitter left?




  • Google has ended its "First Click Free" arrangement with the Wall Street Journal which gave non-subscribers access to up to three articles a day on WSJ.com. Evidently, subscription numbers have increased and the WSJ doesn't need the additional traffic. We often share WSJ.com links here; we'll try to be mindful and share links to stories about the same topics from other sites.
  • Google Maps launched Lists, a way to create and share your favorite places. Being able to create and share lists of places could give Google Maps a more social feel to it.
  • The unskippable 30-second spot on YouTube is gone. YouTube finally realized that it's not television.


    Collaborative / Autonomous / AI

    Crowd Companies has created a report that showcases how companies are preparing for, maintaining, and achieving success in their corporate innovation strategies. It includes research findings on corporate innovation leaders, as well as 10 innovation program models (outposts, labs, accelerators, intrapreneurship, and more), including how to select the right models for your corporation.



    • A female engineer told a harrowing tale of sexual harassment, HR threats, and a dwindling percentage of women engineers at Uber. It's an explosive post that goes into great detail about the situation.
      • Uber is on the defensive, and CEO Travis Kalanick issued a strongly worded statement about the situation. It seems Uber is always reactive to its internal crises...
      • The company has appointed former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to lead an independent investigation.
      • This isn't Uber's first issue with questionable ethics (or legalities). The old proverb says that a fish rots from the head, and there's been a "bro" culture at the company since its inception. Remember Boober? Some are calling for a complete culture change at the company, which is a tall order. Episode 3 of The Full Monty covered in great detail when it might be time to re-evaulate your relationship with a brand:



    Virtual Reality / Audio



    Content / Customer Experience / Influencer Marketing


      Privacy / Security / Legal

      Measurement / Metrics / Data


      Essential Watching / Listening / Reading

      Eleanor Abernathy, aka Crazy Cat Lady [Credit: Simpsons Wiki]

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      Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons



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