Monday, December 11, 2017

The Full Monty: Track Changes — December 11, 2017

Traditional companies put innovation to work and the CIO's role is changing; women should lead A.I.; bots are stealing your Christmas presents; how autonomous vehicles will create jobs; Ford's trends to watch for 2018; why Bitcoin is rising; key takeaways from the CMO Spend Survey; how the New York Times is focused on growing its audiences; better personalization is needed in retail; social media has become weaponized; YouTube is raising its ad prices to account for something it should have been doing; Disney may be getting Fox assets; listen up: Apple is buying Shazam; how Microsoft Word caught someone in an editing lie; the C-suite needs to get comfortable with data; what David Rockefeller's Rolodex tells us about networking; and more in the Track Changes edition of The Full Monty from Brain+Trust Partners for the week of December 11, 2017.

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The Full Monty, a Brain+Trust Partners publication, exposes you to virtually everything you need in business intelligence at the top of every week. Links are below with commentary in italics. Please sign up for our email updates to make sure you don't miss a thing. And please click send your colleagues to this page to sign up as well.

We've got all of these links — and those that didn't make the cut for publication — in The Full Monty Magazine on Flipboard. And a special note about Flipboard: please take a look at the new layout for The Full Monty. We've separated stories into mini-magazines that follow the same sections as below. Feel free to follow the magazines that matter to you.

Top Stories

Silicon Valley gets all the hype when it comes to technology innovation and disruption. Yet the latest app, while entertaining and distracting, isn't necessarily what moves the world forward. Certainly, behemoths like Uber and Airbnb have made significant disruptive changes to the travel and hospitality industries — largely due to not owning any fleets or real estate. But the companies to watch are those that take technological developments and deploy them across their existing infrastructure, making massive and scalable changes that result in innovation, collaboration, and even new business models. Risk-taking executives recognize that the status quo is not forever and understand that sometimes disruption happens from within.

Artificial Intelligence / Autonomous

The latest in AI, machine learning, bots, and blockchain, mobility, and autonomous everything.





    One of the break-out books for 2017 and now a New York Times bestseller is The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google by Scott Galloway, professor at NYU Stern School of Business and CEO of L2.

    Want to see your book featured here? Please let us know.

    Communications / Marketing / Business Strategy

    Industry developments and trends, including advertising & marketing, journalism, customer experience, content, and influencer relations.



    Retail Apocalypse

    Humans are a transactional species, and the practice — if not the very notion of what retail is  is undergoing a historical metamorphosis. 


    Want to know what 500 marketers (budgets up to $10 million) believe and how those beliefs influence their behaviors when it comes to hiring and firing agencies just like yours?

    Don't miss this FREE 16 page report, full of information, insight and guidance on how to best approach prospects based on the findings.

    Some of the results are going to really surprise you.

    If you're seeing this, maybe you'd like to see your company's name here too. Let us know.


    News to know about relevant social, virtual, and augmented reality platforms that may affect your business.



    • Facebook is offering free music and sound effects for video creators. Obviously in a self-serving attempt to generate more video creation.
    • Instagram is testing Direct, a messaging app, and may remove DMs from the main app. The Facebook family seems to be diversifying within its apps; different audiences may prefer different functionalities. The company will be able to test and determine which app requires particular features.



      The latest in the world of streaming video, audio, and the advertising, pricing and bundling models related to them.



      • Apple is reportedly buying Shazam for $400 millionWhy would Apple want Shazam? Possibly to improve music search to compete with Spotify. Or perhaps to have better voice/sound integration to make music predictions for you.
      • YouTube will introduce a paid, on-demand streaming music service in March; Warner has signed on, talks continue with Sony, Universal, and Merlin.
      • Program of the Week: And as our recommendation this week, we have Unthinkable. Host Jay Acunzo explores how some ideas become rules and meets the people who dare to question them — not by using some "best practice," but by trusting their intuition. Do you have a program to recommend? Add yours to our Google Sheet:  

      Regulatory / Security 

      Business disruptions in the legal, regulatory, and computer security fields, from hacking to the on-demand economy and more.



        Measurement / Analytics / Data

        The future is not in plastics, but in data. Those who know how to measure and analyze it will rule the world.

        Mental Nourishment

        Other links to help you reflect, improve, or simply learn something new.

        Do you like what you see here? Please subscribe to have trends on digital communications, marketing, technology and business delivered to your inbox each Monday.

        Wow! You made it this far. That took a lot of work. Can you imagine how much work it took to write this? If you can appreciate the effort and this publication provides any kind of value to you, maybe you'll consider joining as a patron.

        Upcoming Brain+Trust Speaking Engagements

        • The 2017 speaking circuit is now closed. We're open for 2018 gigs.
        Can we speak for your organization or event? Drop us a line.

        Brain+Trust Partners helps smart, risk-taking executives discern the real from the hype. From strategy development to technology and data vendor selection, and streamlining processes, our focus is on digital business transformation that improves customer experience and drives efficiency for your company. And our decades of experience working for major brands means that we deeply understand the challenges you're facing. Let us know if we can help you.

        Top image credit: The Parthenon by Frederic Edwin Church (1871), public domain 



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