Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Episode 30: I'm Right, You're Wrong

While the furor of Yanny vs. Laurel is wearing off, the debate that captured the Internet's attention (for at least a few minutes) got us thinking about how often humans pick sides and dig their heels in.

Conflict is inherent in the human condition. Since our earliest days of walking upright, we've warred with each other, built resources to protect ourselves from others, and marveled in tales about rivalry and competition. Indeed, it's what ancient sport was founded upon and what makes modern sports such a huge industry.

But in many cases, it's not about one side versus the other, or just two choices. The world is more nuanced than a white dress or blue dress would have us believe. And we explore a bit of that in the latest episode of The Full Monty.

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    All music is on a royalty-free license from Pond5.com

    Theme song: "Heroes United" by ScoreStudio.

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