Monday, November 7, 2016

The Full Monty — November 7, 2016

The Full Monty exposes you to the business intelligence that matters at the top of every week. Please sign up for our email updates to make sure you don't miss a thing. And please share this with your colleagues if you find it valuable.

It's been a long run during the U.S. presidential election. To celebrate, it's the Election Edition of The Full Monty. How the White House is managing its digital transition; the difference between confidence and pride, as Descartes wrote; Facebook's responsibility for news consumption in a post-factual world; the a drop in desktop display ad revenue; why Gannett gave up on tronc and what it means for journalism; the changing role of the CMO; what you can expect to hear from leaders; the changing role of work and our place in it; the misplaced focus on customer acquisition; and more in this week's edition of The Full Monty. Trivia and the poem of the week can be found exclusively on The Full Monty podcast.

Virtually everything you need in business intelligence. If you’re on Flipboard, you can get these links — and those that didn't make the cut for publication — by subscribing to The Full Monty Magazine at

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Some of the results are going to really surprise you.





  • YouTube is upgrading its comments feature to give account owners more control. The idea with the new features is to give creators a better way to connect with their community on its service, while making interactions with fans feel more personal.


  • In an age when automated technology is creating faster ways to buy, sell and create digital media content, Snapchat is making advertisers wait for its manual review process.
  • Snapchat is on a hiring spree as it prepares for an IPO, raiding everyone from Google and Facebook to old media for talent. If you send them your resume, just make sure it doesn't disappear after 10 seconds.


Collaborative/ Autonomous Economy




Virtual Reality / Audio



  • A new startup, 60dB, named for the volume at which a human speaks and founded by a former Planet Money reporter and two others with backgrounds at Netflix, is being teased as a “service for high-quality, short-form stories.” Users open the app, and it take signals from what subjects and types of stories and even people they’ve indicated they like, and 60dB will refine that feed of stories over time.
  • Radio still accounts for half of music listening; streaming is on the rise, but that accounts for just 17% of time spent with music.

Content / Customer Experience / Influencer Marketing

Privacy / Security / Legal

Essential Watching / Listening / Reading

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I speak to groups and advise brands and agencies to help them embrace the fundamentals of human communication in the digital age. You can join these other top-notch clients by reaching out if you'd like to put my experience to work.



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